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Muhammed Berent ÖZŞAHİN

Muhammed Berent ÖZŞAHİN

Muhammed Berent Özşahin was born in 1987 in Ankara. After graduating from Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Law in 2009, he started his internship. Since 2010, he has been working as a lawyer mainly in the fields of trade, business, consumer and criminal law.

On different dates, he has attended training on the following topics; Consumer Law, Information Law, Forensic Information Law, Energy Law, Public Procurement Law, Intellectual Property Law, Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, CMK Compulsory Defense, Forensic Medicine and Autopsy within the Scope of Turkish Criminal Legislation, Juvenile Justice System within the Scope of Turkish Criminal Legislation, Code of Criminal Procedure Center Foreigner Law Practices, Legal Aid Law, Ankara Bar Association Gelincik Project, International Refugee Law, Mediation Lawyer, E-notification and UYAP usage, Artificial Intelligence Law, Legislation and Practices on Sex Workers for Ankara Bar Lawyers. He was the Chairman of the Board of Commercial and Obligations Law of Ankara Bar Association between 2014-2018. Between 2015 and 2017, he also worked as a mediator in Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.

In 2016, it was registered with the Ministry of Justice Mediation registry with registry number 8963. In 2018, he participated in the Mediation Specialization Training in Labor Law and actively started to work as a mediator.

He has an intermediate level knowledge of English and Azerbaijani.

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