Dispute settlement can be applied at all stages from the moment the dispute arises between the parties until the end of the proceedings. It aims to prevent the deepening of the conflict between the parties and to conclude with peaceful solutions to be found with the participation of the disputing parties.
The solution with this process is much faster and cheaper than a trial and is cheaper than arbitration.
This solution also contributes to the continuation of the commercial and/or personal relations of the parties in a much desirable manner as it also repairs the broken communication channels between the parties.
An important feature of dispute resolution through the mediation method is that it respects trade and/or personal secrets between the parties. In this process, confidentiality is the most important element and the secrets of the parties remain as such.
Mediation can be used for dispute resolution both before proceedings as well as during any stage of the proceedings.
The parties may themselves choose the mediator to contribute to the resolution of the dispute between them.
If both parties are represented by a lawyer, the mediation final report is legally equivalent to a court's decision.